some of my layouts

Thursday, January 29, 2009

One award and some challenges

Today I received this award from my friend Hanne - It made me so happy. I really appreciate it.
I want to pass this on to Siwan that have a really GREAT blog with a lot of good stuff on and have some awesome photos. It is really great to visit her blog. And to Isa that have a super updating on absolutly everything, and gives a lot of inspiration to a lot of people.

And I have got a challenge from several other bloggers that in fact is the same one. LOL
I have received this challenge from

and Siwan

Here it goes:
Challenge number 1:
1. Log on to your photos on your computer
2. open folder number 6
3. find photo number 6
4. post it here and write something about the photo
5. send this challenge to 6 fellow bloggers, link to them here and let them know you have given them a challenge

Here is my photo nr.6 from folder number 6. It is Sander Mikal brushing his teeth with a new electronic toothbrush. He are so proud of it. And doing it with the biggest smile.

Challenge number 2:

1. You have to link the blog that have tagged you
2. Make a list over six (un)interesting things about yourself.
3. Tag five other blogs, and let them know by give a comment on their blogs.

1. The blogs that have tagged me is: Hanne

2. Five (un)interresting things about me:

1. I have been a ballroomdancer for many years

2. I have been scubadiving and have about 200 dives in my log.

3. I am a sailor, and been working on a oiltanker for 6 years.

4. I used to love reading books. But haven't been able to after the kiddos came to my life. Maybe I will start to do that again.

5. I really want to get a job and start to work again, after too many years at home.

I tag these following blogs to do one or both challenges:

Karen - Trille - Isa - Mona - Siwan - Anne Cathrine

Monday, January 26, 2009

What have I been up to lately?

I have been really busy this month. I have finished my contributions for the Digidonna contest over at Scrapscandistyle - and are really excited how it will turn out for me. :) We know in the beginning of february.
I have re-decorated my oldest DS's room - you can see the before/after photos here at my week by week blog for 2009.
And here are some posters for the room i have made - and the boy is "over the moon" and happy!!

QP'es of Birgit Kerr's beautiful kit Desember Morning. One of my favorites. :)

Just look at this awesome HUGE collab - made by Birgit Kerr and Alana McCarthy:

I have made these two layouts with it and will do some more I think, becouse this was FUN!!

January does not have to be gray and boring - just look at these photos i have taken this month:


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A little facelift

I have made a little facelift on the blog - and now it looks better
than the previous look I think. I have used Birgit Kerr's elements from her kit
December Morning. And the fairies is from Ztampf.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The new Scrapscandistyle

the troll will guide you ;)