some of my layouts

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

I have made another one, all the creative idea's popping
in my head when I supposed to do 100 other things in the
house. Anyway I wish for a Merry Christmas for everyone.
Enjoy your Holidays. ;)

(it's clickable for credits)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I couldn't resist

I just couldn't resist to do some scrapping last night. So
My PC called out for me. :)

Credit: Frame/matte, tag, date-tag and paperflower,
glitteleafs and cord- Holliewood Studios : What's old is new
Background: Wingefluester_Winge_paper_01
Natural elements: JofiaGarden elements and doodles
Journalingpaper: melgendesign:sade01shad.S
crew: ninasraps-niclas-screw

Friday, December 21, 2007

Santa Lucia Angel

Sander Mikal was a little Lucia -angel in the play they had
in the church. It is a bad photo taken with cellphone.

You can find the credit here.

Almost Christmas

This month have been just crazy!! The boys have been more active than ever with all their hopes and toughts for christmas. But that is normal for two boys at the age of 9 and 5. They have been incredible clever in the Christmas preformances at kindergarden and the schoolplay.
Sander Mikal have been an angel (LOL) and John Christian have been one of the the three kings. They have really worked hard this year mammys boys.
Now it is only the rest of my preperations - and there is a lot to attend too.. (OMG)
There have not been any time for scrapping this week, and I love to find the time again soon. I have some products as well that should have been finished long time ago. I have finished 5 entries for the Desember digidonna contest. You can read about it here.
Okey - off to do something - the time is flying!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happy birthday to me LOL

I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself. It's my birthday
and I've got a cold during the night :(. So why not advertise a little bit for my friend
Monica Larsen.
Just look at this beautiful Date- wheel, its awesome belive me.
You can get it here:
Monica Larsen's Circle of life.
The beautiful Crown is:
Hollliewood Studios- hopeless Romantickit - Oscraps
Rest of the awesome stuff comes from Ah! design
Mostly from the novemberkit Crystal Cranberry

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Heart

Another kit from me - Christmas Heart. You can find it at


A layout with this kit:

A freebie from me

You find a freebie on - just click on the preview. ;)

My entries for November digidonna
Challenge 1 - Count your blessings (for credit, click photo)

Challenge 2 - Theme: Autumn (for credit, click photo)

Challenge 3 - Sketch challenge

Challenge 4 - Lift Challenge (Lift of Hanne's Løveparken
as you can see HERE!)
(For credit - click layout)

Challenge 5 - Inspiration