some of my layouts

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birgit Kerr's Heaven Sent

Birgit Kerr's newest kit Heaven Sent is so gorgues.

And the alpha for it is a "must have".


A dream came true..

I am not a guest at the ON design Creative Team any longer. I am a full time member on the team instead!!!! Since that design are so gorgoues and fit my style so well - I am so happy for the spot!! Actually over the moon!!
Here are the latest layouts:
With the FlowerPower kit:


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Okey the secret is OUT!

I am so proud to be guest on the ONdesigns Creative Team.
Here is my second layout:

This is my first layout

I am so happy to be a guest for this team!!!


Hi everybody!!

Now, it have been quite a while since I blogged. We have been two weeks off on vacation to Turkey. That was GREAT!! Busy but FUN!. The kiddos where snorkling all day for two straight weeks.
Here are some potos:

Drinks for the children with

The mideterrainien:

Boatrip on the Manavgat flood:

Sander Mikal on the boat:

And this was GREAT!!
