finish the kit; Lill's Treasure. The first one in a very long
time. :)
I have made the third layout for Birgit Kerr's CT this month.
She makes fabolues products. They are so easy to play with.
Here is memories of summer. And the kit is Well Worn and
you can find it at

The other CT is Monica Larsen's CT - and she came out
with a beautiful kit as well yesterday.

that you can find in the store at
I have made one layout for her sa well- Friends.
The quote is made by Michelle Coleman at Little Dreamer Design

This layout was fun to make. I don't know if I can call it
"out of bound" or the opposite "into bound" effect. LOL
Anyway it made the gallery standout gallery at the DST.
That makes me really proud since everything is my own stuff.

Here is a layout made by Petty at my CT. And I love it.
And it makes me long for summer again.