some of my layouts

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happy birthday to me LOL

I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself. It's my birthday
and I've got a cold during the night :(. So why not advertise a little bit for my friend
Monica Larsen.
Just look at this beautiful Date- wheel, its awesome belive me.
You can get it here:
Monica Larsen's Circle of life.
The beautiful Crown is:
Hollliewood Studios- hopeless Romantickit - Oscraps
Rest of the awesome stuff comes from Ah! design
Mostly from the novemberkit Crystal Cranberry


Donna B. Miller said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it gets better as the day goes on. Love the layout.

Robin Ennis Willson said...

How cool is that??? Love it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!! (and many more)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday from N Ireland.